[FRIAM] the Skeptical Meme

gⅼеɳ gepropella at gmail.com
Thu Aug 17 14:25:34 EDT 2017

On 08/16/2017 09:56 PM, Marcus Daniels wrote:
> http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/politics/2017/08/what_the_alt_left_was_actually_doing_in_charlottesville.html

I was intrigued by this tweet:


Here's the full text for the 1st quote:

> Sir, -- Having experienced fascism in the flesh, as a citizen of a Nazi-occupied country, a member of the resistance and a concentration camp prisoner, I am profoundly dismayed by Kevin Myers's reflections on the happenings at TCD on the occasion of the David Irving debate.
> If fascism could be defeated in debate, I assure you that it would never have happened, neither in Germany, nor in Italy, nor anywhere else.  Those who recognized its threat at that time and tried to stop it were, I assume, also called "a mob".  Regrettably too many "fair-minded people" didn't either try, or want to stop it, and, as I witnessed myself during the war, accommodated themselves with it when it took over.
> The anti-fascism of some of these people germinated rather late, in fact only when they realized that the Third Reich had lost the war, the Führer was becoming an embarrassment and his system of government a liability.
> People who witnessed fascism at its height are dying out, but the ideology is still there, and its apologists are working hard at a comeback.  Past experience should teach us that fascism must be stopped before it takes hold again of too many minds, and becomes useful once again to some powerful interests, as it happened in the thirties, or in Chile.  I am one hundred per cent behind the students and staff at TCD, and congratulate them for showing the way. -- Yours, etc., F. L. Frison, 69 Newtown Avenue, Blackrock, Co Dublin.

Here's the snopes entry on the 2nd quote (supposedly from Hitler):


And the third quote about clicktivism is just (apt) snark.  But there's a big difference between "chasing them away with sticks" and "holding the line".  The former is bad.  The latter is good.


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