[FRIAM] firefox and memory

Russell Standish lists at hpcoders.com.au
Fri Dec 8 22:01:59 EST 2017

The problem is that these days, the browser tries to _be_ the
operating system. A bit like what people complained about emacs back
in the day.

Not sure there's much to be done about it, other than grumpy old men
rants. If its really important to you, you'll need to buy yourself the same
class of machine developers use, ie minimum 16GB memory 3+GHz
multicore processor. Otherwise, you just have to kill off the browser
every day or two (akin to doing the 3 fingered solute on good ol' DOS)
to release the execessive amounts of memory.

Written on 7.5 yo Netbook with 1GB memory... :).

Dr Russell Standish                    Phone 0425 253119 (mobile)
Principal, High Performance Coders
Visiting Senior Research Fellow        hpcoder at hpcoders.com.au
Economics, Kingston University         http://www.hpcoders.com.au

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