[FRIAM] Why depth/thickness matters

┣glen┫ gepropella at gmail.com
Fri Feb 10 10:31:42 EST 2017

On 02/10/2017 05:05 AM, Eric Charles wrote:
> How did this all start again? Where are we going? Did I miss anything crucial?

I started it because of the sentiment that we don't talk much about complexity on the list.  I think you've done a great job addressing the Hoffman paper in your/Holt/Gibson context Stephen appealed to.  But what concerns me most is that Hoffman (by virtue of games and simulation) has made some of the complex systems aspects of the problem explicit.  Of course, I'm a simulant (or "simulationist" if you must).  So I'll _always_ throw the M&S wrench into the middle of it. 8^)  The tool is always more important than the use to which the tool is put.

Thanks for addressing it from that context.  I'll try to comment constructively after others weigh in.


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