[FRIAM] FW: Fractal discussion Landscape-bird songs

glen ☣ gepropella at gmail.com
Tue Feb 21 13:13:49 EST 2017

There's no doubt that there's some kernel of truth to the concept of "flow" or "in the zone".  I always make the mistake of thinking others have had similar experiences to mine.  But at our journal club a few weeks ago, while discussing whether math is invented or discovered, one guy kept conflating mathematical symbols with their semantic grounding.  A couple of us kept trying to make the point that after you've abstracted all the symbols away from their grounding, so that you're just manipulating the symbols, you get into the state where you start to think of the math, itself, as having an ontological existence.  You're "in the zone", so to speak, where the math becomes real as opposed to a proxy for the real.  That the other guy couldn't grok it could be a sign that he's never entered that zone, hamstrung by his grounding to physical reality.

Or, he could have simply felt defensive because he thought we kept attacking him ... you never know how some people interpret the milieu.

On 02/20/2017 10:44 PM, Vladimyr Burachynsky wrote:
> Some music allows some people to focus longer. Maybe Taser jolts work for others. The simulation lures us into fantasy lands. Which I kinda like sometimes.
> Time links these sims of mine but temporality is a coincidence not a true cause and we don't live long enough to test every contingency, so we make do with delusions. There seems no path out of this box. The box just grows with us.
> vib
> So why did evolution place so much emphasis on time...

☣ glen

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