[FRIAM] And so it begins: the dark times

Jochen Fromm jofr at cas-group.net
Sat Jan 21 04:57:28 EST 2017

First it was not clear what *-ism mix it will be - authoritarianism, nepotism, cronyism, nationalism or a mixture of it. Sarah Kendzior and Paul Krugman predict we will end up in an authoritarian dictatorship. What do you think, which *-ism will it be?
Maybe you could say the new minority president teaches nationalism, practices nepotism and cronyism and leads inevitably to authoritarianism. Will he be allowed to break the law? Isn't hiring of Jared Kushner already illegal?
The law clearly says: "A public official may not appoint, employ, promote [..] in or to a civilian position in the agency in which he is serving or over which he exercises jurisdiction or control any individual who is a relative of the public official."https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/5/3110

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