[FRIAM] the role of metaphor in scientific thought

gepr ⛧ gepropella at gmail.com
Wed Jun 21 00:26:00 EDT 2017

On June 20, 2017 8:16:57 PM PDT, Nick Thompson <nickthompson at earthlink.net> wrote:
>I dunno.  I never quite know what Glen is on about.  But I tended to
>read his response in terms of his cancer.  He is saying, “I am
>comforted by knowing that I am not the only man with cancer.”  If I
>were dying of cancer, would I be comforted to know that a million other
>people are dying of cancer?

Yes, you would.  But regardless of your nasty remark, the point is that only through large N clinical trials is effective therapy developed. So, if you have a conscience, you volunteer your life and body to experimentation so that even as you die those that follow have a better chance to live.


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