[FRIAM] !RE: A million tech jobs unfilled

Owen Densmore owen at backspaces.net
Tue Mar 14 19:05:51 EDT 2017

​Boy was I lucky. In the three primary jobs I had (Xerox, Apple, Sun)
- ​I was always hired to solve a problem without a current solution.
- I never had your basic manager, only enablers and I was "boss" of my job,
responsible for it.
- I was always given great new opportunities to do yet more "advanced
development" or "research" .. stuff nobody had a set solution for.
- I was seldom (if ever! :) the smartest person I mentored/led. It was
considered boorish to try to be so.
- All I had to do was be honest about the work, and *had* to fail sometimes
or get docked for not taking enough risk. (Boy was THAT a shock!)
- I had to be self educated about all new tech and be willing to do things
that I was afraid of.
- I had to integrate with the whole company and be aware of what each
engineering/technology team was doing and how to synergize with them.

This all sounds to me like the current established tech is where the narrow
hiring practices come from. I'm following several folks in the current
world that are having exactly my experience tho, so who knows.

   -- Owen
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