[FRIAM] !RE: A million tech jobs unfilled

glen ☣ gepropella at gmail.com
Thu Mar 16 13:08:38 EDT 2017

I agree wholeheartedly that the difference between a wannabe serial entrpreneur and an extant one may well be dumb luck.  But I don't agree w.r.t. the difference between the nomadic hippie and the serial entrpreneur (wannabe or not).  That difference lies in what their nose tells them and which scent they wind up following.  It's interesting to me that you tacked on the "impoverished" qualifier ... as if nobody would ever live like a nomadic hippie unless they were forced to by circumstances like lack of money.

One of the key points about our homeless problem here in Portland is that a sizable fraction of the homeless _want_ to live outdoors, in the (camping) communities of people they live in.  With only self-reporting to go by, we have no real idea whether they really want what they say they want, of course.  Would their behavior (statements of want) change if we handed them a basic income?  I have no idea.  But I think it's worth a few hundred experiments at least.

On 03/16/2017 09:51 AM, Nick Thompson wrote:
> The difference between the wealthy serial entrepreneur and the impoverished nomadic hippy may just be dumb luck.  Ed Angel loaned me THE DRUNKARD'S WALK, which reminded me once again of our romantic tendency to infer talent from success.  This is one of the points on which Peirce was very strong. Most effects are random, and the few that are not are very hard to ferret out. 

☣ glen

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