[FRIAM] The Atlantic article on "the illusion of reality"

Marcus Daniels marcus at snoutfarm.com
Thu Sep 21 18:44:51 EDT 2017

Russell writes:

"One may categorise realism as the position that some things are and other things aren't. Roughly as a result of that, I argue in my book Theory of Nothing that Everythingism (ie everything exists in a Multiverse) entails anti-realism, ie that laws of physics must be grounded in psychological laws, and vice-versa. As a consequence, discussions of ontology (what might be the real fabric of our existence) are pointless, as no empirical observation can reveal anything about it."

Isn't it plausible that there are different psychological laws in different bubbles of the multiverse?   How would minds span these multiverses to find out if there are universal laws?


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