[FRIAM] "recognize the reality of her psychological experience"

∄ uǝʃƃ gepropella at gmail.com
Fri Dec 7 11:51:18 EST 2018


So, after my aborted attempt to learn about OOO (those coy objects) and its relationship to Latour, our descent into the slang of "adulting" (and Nick's conflation of language with biology), as well as my failed attempts to tease out how evolutionary psych is/can be abused by crypto-fascists like Peterson and Harris, I stumbled on ContraPoints' channel.  And despite the (false) claim that political correctness is somehow a constraint on free speech, I prefer to call people what they want to be called, rather than impute my own ideology into the world.  Hence, the above video.

However, I found her statement interesting in the deeper sense of consciousness, qualia, obscenity, mind-reading, and the gen-phen map.  I also recently stumbled upon this article, which I've only skimmed:

Reexamining the effect of gustatory disgust on moral judgment: A multi-lab direct replication of Eskine, Kacinik, and Prinz (2011)

To what extent do we escape solipsism simply due to our imagination that others have a real psychological experience?  And even if we're all various types of realists and monists, to what extent does our collectively agnostic, methodological realism constrain the types of psychological experience we are capable of imagining?  Can we ever really sympathize with a person like Hunter S. Thompson, Aleister Crowley, or any arbitrary lone wolf domestic terrorist?  I'd hope for answers to questions like this to come from evolutionary psychopathology.  This is a decent book review here:


I'd very much appreciate any opinions on any of the above, anything that might help prevent my flailing around like the perennial dilettante that I am.

∄ uǝʃƃ

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