[FRIAM] Pondering the slang Adulting

Marcus Daniels marcus at snoutfarm.com
Wed Nov 14 15:07:59 EST 2018

Glen writes;

<  But isn't this the point of things like "kin selection" and "eusociality"?  Hell, even *cats* share food and negotiate territory.  Is there, in actuality, anything that's "truly individualistic"?  >

Well, there is a difference between accurately observing that life is some way and recognizing it could be different.
I posit it is hard for many adults to look in their metaphorical toolshed and admit that was just what they had to accumulate.
It is easier to rationalize it is what they wanted for themselves and what is best for everyone.   I posit that the difficulty in facing this kind of disappointment tends to feed authoritarianism.   On the other hand, simple fantasy (Whatever-ing) doesn't fix anything either.


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