[FRIAM] Pondering the slang Adulting

Marcus Daniels marcus at snoutfarm.com
Wed Nov 14 17:58:35 EST 2018

By "no need", I'm imagining a personality species stored in individuals.   Suppose that personality P is instantiated only in individuals A and B which both refer to it as Self.   P will be preserved so long as either A or B exist.    I'm assuming that it is desirable to maximize the number of active personalities, and that Adulting is just a way to preserve a rare species of personality.   In this case B could assign personality Q to Self and there is no immediate risk to personality species P.   Adulting would be pushing Q on a Self stack to later pop it.   Assignment is just as good for a Hive mind.

On 11/14/18, 3:34 PM, "Marcus Daniels" <marcus at snoutfarm.com> wrote:

    Glen writes:
    < The real trick is whether adulting is driven by the real world or severely abstracted stereotypes of what young people *think* is adult behavior. >
    < But it doesn't change the conclusion that playing the role of an adult is distinct from being an adult. And I maintain that playing the role is more powerful and less delusional than *being* the role. >
    One can adopt prototypes which will provide some cognitive insulation from being the role.  Alternatively, one can define or mutate a definition of what being a responsible person means in a subjective sense.   If this Self is not {de/re}constructed, I think it is probably copied from other prototypes.   It is especially likely in adolescence when the pressure to fit-in is overwhelming.    Whether the Self arises from lots of mixing and matching or from some sort of design is a detail.    I'm just throwing out the possibility Self doesn't even exist for some people, or maybe even at all, so there is no need to keep an alternative prototype at arm's length.
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