[FRIAM] Network graph analysis, IdeaTreeLive new release

Ron Newman ron.newman at gmail.com
Wed Nov 21 16:01:31 EST 2018

I'm happy to announce a new release of IdeatreeLive.com
<https://ideatreelive.com/>, interactive network graphing software for
scientific and general project work.

The main new thing that's visible is the addition of analysis functions.
Right now, there's dijkstra shortest path analysis, but the infrastructure
is in place for adding a few dozen others, putting this interactive UI over
algorithms from Networkx.

As before, editing can be shared in real time with others, kind of like
Google Docs for graphics, and there's a chat box, comments, voting, etc.

There's a no-login scratchpad demo graph on the home page for playing

I'm looking for beta testers.

Ron Newman, M.S., M.M.E.
Partner, Caditz-Newman <http://newman.caditz.us>, Smart Infrastructure for
Autonomous Vehicles
Founder, IdeaTreeLive.com <http://www.Ideatreelive.com> Knowledge Modeling
Piano <https://www.ronnewmanpiano.com>
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