[FRIAM] On old question

Eric Smith desmith at santafe.edu
Thu Oct 25 19:30:05 EDT 2018

> I am not at all sure where this leaves us with “natural programming.”  As you point out, my concept of natural may be complete at odds with yours.  Mine grows out of the following analogy:  Artificial selection : natural selection : : artificial design  : natural design.  If artificial design – the appropriateness of a domestic species to the needs of the breeder -- is what is explained by artificial selection, what is explained by natural selection?  What precisely is natural design?  In the absence of a God to tell us what s/he wants, how do we read off of nature itself the demands to which her/his  creatures are adapted?  

In reading Dave’s note it seemed to me that his distinction of natural from artificial was much like the one meant by Simon in Sciences of the Artificial, somewhat like — with respect to any particular discussion frame — some things can be “organic” in the sense of inherited by that conversation, while others are “built” within the frame of the conversation.


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