[FRIAM] Human Magnetoreception!

glen ∅ gepropella at gmail.com
Tue Mar 19 17:03:52 EDT 2019

You have to wonder how high fields might modify the behavior of non-neuronal tissue, as well: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bioelectromagnetics  A friend of mine experiments with nootropics and talks quite a bit about modafinil, which I *think* is a calcium channel blocker.  I have to think a large mag field would impact whatever ions were swimming around any given tissue.  But experimenting on such things must be difficult.

On 3/19/19 9:33 AM, Marcus Daniels wrote:
> MRIs go up to about 3 Tesla.  I'm told by someone that works at the high magnetic field lab at LANL, at higher fields, like 10 Tesla, one will start to see colors.   
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