[FRIAM] Human Magnetoreception!

glen ∅ gepropella at gmail.com
Tue Mar 19 17:12:24 EDT 2019

On 3/19/19 11:03 AM, Steven A Smith wrote:
>  1. Is sleeping E/W significantly different and N/S geomagnetically?  
>     (I prefer to be woken by the rising sun, myself, not so clear on the
>     geomagnetic implications though)

I don't know, of course.  But my favorite story (?) I use on Renee' is that:  The pineal gland is The Third Eye and is sensitive to light.  She and her sisters all insist on total darkness when they sleep (even to the point of taping over the LED light on the smoke detector in hotel rooms).  Birds are also sensitive to light.  So, while this implies she and her sister are Bird Brains, it also implies they are more enlightened than the rest of us with defective Third Eyes.

>  3. Does wearing a tinfoil hat *in* an electromagnetic field introduce
>     fields larger than the geomagnetic field?
>  4. Does 3) above qualify for (accidental?) self-medication for mental
>     disorders? https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT03556735

Who has access to tinfoil?  All I have is aluminum foil, damnit.  But if the placebo effect is real, then *anything* we do is self-medicating.

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