[FRIAM] A Question For Tomorrow

David Eric Smith desmith at santafe.edu
Thu May 2 01:14:56 EDT 2019

> On May 1, 2019, at 2:33 AM, Marcus Daniels <marcus at snoutfarm.com> wrote:
> I was just throwing out two, the wormhole idea of Maldacena & Susskind and super-determinism described by Hooft.    They seem very different to me, and could imply two very different universes.   That QM works for either doesn't help explain how one or the other or neither is the true explanation.

Alright, so I surrender.  I can’t keep up with this.  Susskind is God-the-Father, and Maldacena is God-the-Son and God-the-Holy-Spirit (and probably several other incarnations of God), of a field I got kicked out of because I couldn’t follow what the hell was going on in it.  Although to watch Joe Polchinski or Eva Silverstein rein Lenny in is reassuring — he knows he is both smarter and bolder than most, and can use it to get away with things.  There are only limited superheroes who can call him on it.  Maldacena, however, I don’t think plays those games so much.

The appeal to authority has a place.  One can be a guest in another’s house, as long as one knows one’s limitations and how to behave.


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