[FRIAM] words RE: words

lrudolph at meganet.net lrudolph at meganet.net
Wed May 8 08:21:39 EDT 2019

> I only kinda like it because I would prefer something like: emergence
> exists when the post-map language has a different expressibility than the
> pre-map language.

Surely not *simply* "different"?  If the post-map language has strictly
less expressibility than the pre-map language, does "emergence exist"? 
Well, maybe.  What if (the extreme case) it has NO expressibility?

Either of those would fit under that other proposed description, "phase
transition", but (to me) the informal notion of "emergence" just can't
include the extreme case, and probably shouldn't include the "strictly
less" case (but maybe I could be argued out of that "shouldn't").

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