[FRIAM] Narrative bending

Marcus Daniels marcus at snoutfarm.com
Fri May 10 13:33:36 EDT 2019

Glen writes:

"All this running around, apologizing for their drunken behavior, trying to make amends, relinquishing the control/guilt/self-made-myth, etc. has completely distorted, if not broken, their previous (self-centered) narrative. In that sense, AA is like any other (authentic) Christian ministry, where the intent is to turn individualists into socialists, or at least indoctrinate them into a tribe."

There's a difference between failing to recognize the various groupings and their purposes & behaviors, and rejecting many of those groupings.   An individualist can be the self-centered person who is ignorant of the groupings, or a person who finds the groupings counterproductive toward achieving even more universal goals.


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