[FRIAM] Chaos Scientist Finds Hidden Financial Risks That Regulators Miss Oxford Professor Doyne Farmer is working with central banks to improve stress testing.

uǝlƃ ☣ gepropella at gmail.com
Thu Nov 14 20:08:37 EST 2019

You mean *very* interesting. 8^) Because it's a Spanish word, you might be right. But as Marcus' serialization glitch demonstrated, it may not be that simple. I tend to use very long pass phrases. And it never ceases to amaze me that whether I'll be able to type them right on the 1st try or the 10th try seems Gaussian. On the days when I'm confident I'll get it right quickly, it can take me 7-10 tries. And on days I'm foggy or have just lifted weights (so my hands are stiff) and am convinced I won't get it right, I can sometimes get it right on the 1st try. And I have little idea what errors I'm making ... did I hit the space bar too soon? Did I mix up "I" vs "U"? I'm not sure how I could test such a thing without compromising my pass phrases... 

And just the other day, I was arguing about Intelligent Design at the pub and was trying to point out that we don't "come from monkeys", when my friend told me I'd said "we're descended from the same ancestor as Christians" ... I thought I'd said "we're descended from the same ancestor as monkeys". [sigh] I blamed it on the beer, but secretly doubt that.

On 11/14/19 4:58 PM, Frank Wimberly wrote:
> Slightly interesting:
> I write texts and emails in both Spanish and English.  "Existencial" is the Spanish word.  I bet I wouldn't have made that mistake before my Spanish era.

☣ uǝlƃ

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