[FRIAM] query and observation

Prof David West profwest at fastmail.fm
Thu Sep 12 02:41:45 EDT 2019

Hello All,

Traffic on the FRIAM list seems to have ground to a halt, from my reception point in Amsterdam - i.e. I have seen nothing for some time. Not in spam filter, so question is has the list trickled to a stop or just not making it across the Atlantic.?

Observation: an interesting coincidence arising from reading a new book, The Case Against Reality, How evolution hid the truth from our eyes, by Donald D. Hoffman, professor of cognitive science at UC Irvine. Main thesis is that what we perceive is but a constructed, via evolution,  "interface" and not a veridical perception of "Reality." 

Not a new idea but the evolution / survival / fittest being the ones that see the optimal interface instead of what is behind the interface is interesting.

Coincidence comes from simultaneously rereading Heidegger and Gadamer, and even some Peirce,  and seeing apparent parallels between "interface,: "interpretation," and "experience."  Feels like a lot of Nick's Monism convictions might be illuminated by looking at these works in juxtaposition.

dave west

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