[FRIAM] Unmediated perception - sheldrake

uǝlƃ ☣ gepropella at gmail.com
Mon Sep 23 12:22:39 EDT 2019

This whole discussion seems to conflate some things that might be better kept separate. "Investment", itself, is a term of trickery. Loony and loony-croney, in this thread, are both terms of production, whereas investment is a term of profit-making or rent-seeking. When we talk about "investment in infrastructure" like h1b visas or funding the construction of roads or fiber, that's properly an issue of investment because we (as a society) intend to reap (social) profits from it.

But when Sally *grants* her local dork, Jan, $20k to build a prototype, Sally is not making an investment in Jan. Sally is part of Jan's production team. They're *making* something. If Sally is so confused as to mistake her production funds for rent-seeking, then that's her problem, not ours. We hedge all this by inventing jargonal terms like "series A" or whatever. But I think it would help with these large-scale discussions (e.g. how many things we now have were previously fringe), it's not these categories of lunacy vs. sane investment strategies that *explain* it. The categories that explain it are "maker" vs. "profiteer".

☣ uǝlƃ

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