[FRIAM] More on social mobility

uǝlƃ ↙↙↙ gepropella at gmail.com
Wed Dec 9 10:58:54 EST 2020

Ha! I don't actually read anymore. I only skim. When I try to read, I fall asleep. But that raises an interesting point. I'm sure everyone on this list has an algorithm for digesting papers. I have to read so many papers on so many things I'm just NOT interested in, that I've honed that algorithm quite a bit. It is (usually):

1. Read the abstract and conclusion (if any).
2. Read the Table headers and legends and skim the data.
3. Read the Figure headers, legends, and axes.
4. Find the citations of the Tables and Figures in the prose and read those paragraphs.
5. Scan the References.
6. Go back to the Figures and try to grok each story.
7. Go back to the Tables and try to grok each story.
8. Read the rest of the paper.

I think this works well for technical papers. It fails utterly for philosophy ... and for novels. 8^D

On 12/9/20 7:38 AM, David Eric Smith wrote:
> How did you read a 104-page paper in the last 2 hours?

↙↙↙ uǝlƃ

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