[FRIAM] Scolary- tools for analysis

Russell Standish lists at hpcoders.com.au
Fri Feb 7 21:02:49 EST 2020

On Fri, Feb 07, 2020 at 08:09:35AM -0700, Tom Johnson wrote:
> FYI 
> https://scolary.com/ 

It doesn't seem that helpful. It has a clear obvious bias towards web
applications, rather than native as one problem. Many of the tools
listed seem to solve problems already well solved by other tools that
are missing - eg the TeX platform, with bibTex for handling
citations. Matlab is mentioned, but not Octave, an almost complete
freeware replacement for Matlab.

Whilst there is a button marked "free", what sort of free Libre, or as
in beer (which covers a lot of freemium stuff). Also cannot restrict
platforms - I'm only interested in stuff that I can run on my Linux
platform, which might include under Wine of necessary.

I looked under the category "Project management", but the tools listed
appeared to have nothing to do with PM.

At this point in time, traditional methods of discovery - searching
through one's repo's packages, and googling are more useful than this
directory. Maybe it can be improved.


Dr Russell Standish                    Phone 0425 253119 (mobile)
Principal, High Performance Coders     hpcoder at hpcoders.com.au

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