[FRIAM] Curmudgeons Unite!

Gillian Densmore gil.densmore at gmail.com
Tue Feb 11 18:45:22 EST 2020

As to what gamers call voting with there wallet? well lets see:
-instigate a turtle and Mar Lago of the workers. They go on strike no one
there goes to work. The place won't get TLC, and stink to high heaven very
quickly I'd imagine.
-as they like there name on everything and that gets to his head faster
than anything: put it on gold colored turd shaped basically everything
including a blimp, lots of them, and especially toilet paper.
-Flood the market with utter trash stocks at penny per the thousand. Might
help trigger a complete collapse of the NASDAQ thus making it nigh
impossible for anyone to do much anything at ridiculously inflated prices.
-They hate migrants, help get as many in as possible none of them to speak
english, even they actually do, and make sure they're the only ones show up
to work for practically anything.
-Revoke Federal assistance and stop giving resulting research as you say
seems likely to start amusingly long chain reaction  that'd effectively cut
off funds there
-Go back to claiming yourself as a personal business as Limited Liability
Company and Partner, claim everything you buy as a tax write off.
-metro areas to not give them funding,
-doctors send them there bills as they hate nationalized health care
they'll just use Washington and the ways and means comity as the persons
responsible for billing. It won't take long for the soul crushingly large
amount of debt to pile up.

On Tue, Feb 11, 2020 at 4:31 PM Gillian Densmore <gil.densmore at gmail.com>

> My opinion is that 45 is a douchebag. That a bunch of people drank koolaid
> so as to not have him in a loonybin where he needbe. And that with the
> country going to utter cluster shitshow land, now more than ever, direct
> fucking vote for the sake of sanity would go a long fucking way to stopping
> the utter clusterfuck those motherfuckers have created.
> Real fucking crisis? like a 70 year old douchebag that basicly cheated and
> tried black mail his way to POTUS, or 500 some motherfuckers more concenred
> about there fucking ego rather than solving problems? that kind of Crisis?
> We don't need a convoludted model to show that all this bullshit comes
> from those assholes are only concerned about sucking the collective dick of
> there xenophobic supporters, and living in a twisted nestalgia and senile
> dementia driven form of reality than actually handling what bloody ass
> fucking problems come along.
> It's unbelievably sureal, hurtful, and scary, that those pathetic dickwads
> would be so driven by feer of anyone not paper white,  they'd rather
> instigate the same conditions that drove the Red Terror, than to solve any
> actual problem. Flint: the water is so toxic it can burst into flames,
> where's the marine core of engineering to help get them that, food,
> housing? Estimated C02 levels vastly  beyond that of the 80s when the
> science of greenhouse and vulcanization of  environments was new. Thousands
> with a set of maslows beyond fucked.
> But sure lets pretend that it's better to have a Theocratic Fascist
> government than to solve issues that hurt everyone.
> On Sun, Feb 9, 2020 at 12:44 PM Marcus Daniels <marcus at snoutfarm.com>
> wrote:
>> Nick writes:
>> “Do you have a model in mind? “
>> Optimistically, the Democrats retake the executive branch and the Senate
>> and extend the Supreme Court.
>> If that doesn’t happen, well, it could be time to make some decisions.
>> As of 2017, the top 25 metropolitan areas in the US make up 50% of the US
>> GDP compared to about 10% for non-metro areas. [1]  One way to bring Trump
>> country to its knees, the 10%, is to do what Trump country people want, cut
>> federal taxes.  With federal tax relief, local taxes could be raised to do
>> the things that cities need to do.  In the Bay Area, for example, two needs
>> among many are to build more affordable housing and to increase the safety
>> of the energy distribution system.   Navigating potentially oppressive new
>> federal employment law by sanctuary states might be accomplished with
>> creative use of ITINs or state authority over death records.  The workforce
>> is needed and it isn’t fair to not give people fair standing, including as
>> voters.  Planning for the collapse of Social Security and Medicare will be
>> hard, but honestly I’ve pretty much written off getting either.   In the
>> near term scenario of fascists in charge in Washington, Democrats should
>> still pour on the vitriol of entitlements to exacerbate the debt load,
>> while at a state level creating other contingencies.   There will need to
>> be real crisis to put an end to the electoral college.  I am confident
>> Republican leadership can achieve a spectacular crisis, but it will be
>> important to prepare for it.
>> [1] https://www.statista.com/chart/18684/us-cities-by-gdp/
>> [2]
>> https://www.citylab.com/equity/2017/06/immigration-wages-economics/530301/
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