[FRIAM] Pause the Show

Steve Smith sasmyth at swcp.com
Tue Jun 2 19:11:53 EDT 2020

uǝlƃ ☣ wrote:
> A friend of mine (whose politics lean slightly right but, you know, he's black so slightly left too) specifically bought his rifle and works on his marksmanship *because* black men with guns scare the bejesus out of us white dudes.
"Ain't nothing scares a white man more than a black man with a gun".  
>  He and I sporadically spar about skin color and its impact on development. And I think he really wanted me to react viscerally to him showing off his rifle. Luckily I'm a cold-hearted and callous bastard [†] and only reacted by complimenting his prowess. I feel the same way about liberals with guns. And there also seems to be a paucity of black motorcycle clubs. Why are all biker bars filled with fat, bearded, racists?

My favorite "biker bar" is Zeitgeist in the Mission District... there
might be a few fat, bearded racists, but there are also a lot of lean,
grizzled but not shaven bicycle messengers, and a contingent of "leather
men" cruising both of the other demographics I think.   I can pass for a
fat bearded racist...  not lean enough for the second nor well enough
groomed for the latter.   I don't think of myself as a racist at all,
but of course that is one of the best ways to remain one I suppose.

My (former) sister-in-law was visiting SFo in 2006 to organize lots of
yuppie liberal events, and someone told her to set up her "Drinking
Liberally" event at Zeitgeist.  I told her it was an odd choice since I
stopped in now and then on my own, and thought it would be an
interesting anthropological study.   It was an interesting mix.   Her
crew were not categorically white Gen-X yuppies, but it was a harsh
contrast.   Everyone got along fine and by the time they were winding
down (and the locals were winding up) there was significant amount of
mixing and discussion.  

I haven't been in Zeitgeist for over a decade, it might be a full on
yuppie fern bar ... Or a GenX Rave location, or a Millenial ??? bar by now.

Continue the Show,

- Steve

> [†] http://bastards.org/
> On 6/2/20 10:59 AM, Marcus Daniels wrote:
>>   Compare a controversy over some loose change with the armed takeover of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, a federal facility.  There is clearly a double standard.    If brown or black men had done that there would have been a Predator strike.

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