[FRIAM] alternative response

Marcus Daniels marcus at snoutfarm.com
Mon Jun 15 13:28:50 EDT 2020

< So, when a Jesus freak says "You have to have faith", I hear "I'm too lazy to do the work right now." And that's cool, as long as you don't pretend to have done work you haven't done. >

It is not cool to expect people to structure the world around some random person's laziness.    Should they join a lazy club in order to get more political clout, then it is even more contemptible.  

On 6/15/20, 10:24 AM, "Friam on behalf of glen∉ℂ" <friam-bounces at redfish.com on behalf of gepropella at gmail.com> wrote:

    Yes! Faith is a truncation. The important distinction being that you can't choose to have faith or not have faith. It seems innate, though maybe you can *program* some people to be more inclined to faith-based truncation. For my part, I'm inherently lazy. I don't take action unless there are forces pressuring me to do so. In general, I believe some automatable process should be done manually first, then (and only then) am I "allowed" to write a script to do it. I think this tendency was programmed into me from a) writing scripts that I (later) realized I only used once or twice and b) a bullshit detector I learned from hearing too many people refer to "thick" descriptions and big words that, when pursued, they couldn't reconstruct. A turning point was my 1st analysis course (after changing majors from EE into math). Jeff, my prof, posted on his door a paper of his proving the existence of some structure or another and that pushed me, unwillingly, into intuitionism.

    Faith is simply an optimization method for avoiding work you may not need to do. If it's very hard to do the manual labor, then write the script (or build the robot, whatever). If it's very hard to write the script but you know how to sample the space a bit, then do that and work on the script later, if you have to. So, when a Jesus freak says "You have to have faith", I hear "I'm too lazy to do the work right now." And that's cool, as long as you don't pretend to have done work you haven't done.

    On 6/15/20 9:58 AM, Marcus Daniels wrote:
    > Faith in a nutshell.

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