[FRIAM] observability and randomness

Marcus Daniels marcus at snoutfarm.com
Tue Jun 30 12:50:07 EDT 2020

I remember many years ago when Eric was apparently prodded for some bio, he produced something including a terrifying claim like "Eric Smith is a generalist."   I was very pleased to read this, but I got the distinct impression he was spoken to about how to one should present themselves in order to appear distinguished.    This is even better! 

On 6/30/20, 9:43 AM, "Friam on behalf of ∄ uǝlƃ" <friam-bounces at redfish.com on behalf of gepropella at gmail.com> wrote:

    OK. I bit the bullet and bought a copy after having it in my Goodreads wishlist for awhile. I was interested to find that you're an *illustrator*! >8^D

    "Eric Smith prides himself on being an adaptable, versatile, and reliable illustrator who is skilled at working with both digital and traditional media. His design background and creative aptitude enables him to produce work to fit a variety of illustrations."

    I sent a note to bookshop.org pointing to your SFI page. We wouldn't want to confuse the FBI when they Google you for rabble-rousing.

    On 6/30/20 8:29 AM, ∄ uǝlƃ wrote:
    > I haven't seen your book, yet. But my guess is it tells a more interactive story than something like Horney's book for 2 reasons: 1) Horney's book is fairly old by now and I would have a hard time hunting for the evidence I'd need to evaluate any claims she made and 2) my truck with biology, physics, and math, while impoverished compared to most of the people on this list, is much better than with psychodynamics.

    ☣ uǝlƃ

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