[FRIAM] So what IS trolling: WAS oxytocin, again

uǝlƃ ☣ gepropella at gmail.com
Thu Mar 5 11:10:23 EST 2020

Thanks for recasting the unintentional troll.  It happens all the time, everywhere. And as you point out, both the troller *and* the victims can be unaware. We can do more to align the dynamic triggers of the trolled with those of the troll.

On 3/5/20 12:56 AM, Gillian Densmore wrote:
> Unintentional trolling:
> Misreading a female friends text: What I read: I'm easy. Just fold the towels right when your done. So I said to her: "Uh...wow..well then! that's one way to get things off on the right foot" so she asked I what I was talking about, and I told her..and fortunatly it was taken humorously, and laughed (lol and smilly emojis).
> What she actually texted: "I'm easy, going. A pete peave? To not not just fold the towels, but fold them right !"

☣ uǝlƃ

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