[FRIAM] trolling, 'hidden' to 'touch' and 'contact'

uǝlƃ ☣ gepropella at gmail.com
Fri Mar 6 09:12:08 EST 2020

We trolls need to stick together.

This distinction between reality and our language/understanding is suspect, to me. This was the basis for Rosen's Life Itself argument, what he called "natural law". The idea is that either our reasoning systems are enough like reality to *work*, or they aren't. And if they aren't enough like it, then we should just give up and stay in our fantasy worlds.

So, if you wouldn't claim that reality is deeply structured by metaphor, but our reasoning *is* deeply structured by metaphor, then where do the 2 meet? Or are you, as Nick repeats like a broken record, some kind of ... dualist! [ptouie] ... (What's an onomatopoeic word for spitting?) 

On 3/5/20 8:11 PM, Steven A Smith wrote:
> Metaphorist trolling much <grin>?
> [...]
> I would NOT claim that reality is structured by metaphors/analogies/ontologies/models/theories, but rather that our *language* and formal understanding is structured in that way. 

☣ uǝlƃ

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