[FRIAM] At the limits of thought

uǝlƃ ☣ gepropella at gmail.com
Fri May 1 18:33:57 EDT 2020

So Frank has been harassing me with psychobabble >8^D and during the course of it, I finally snapped and thought again about this paper:

  Experience Grounds Language

The idea is that WS3 and higher *ground* the algorithm such that it's mechanism and output will match, more naturally, the mechanism and output of us humans. Psychodynamics (the process by which some sympathetic nit-picker infiltrates your mind through an interplay between your words and theirs) is simply a Turing test. (Shirley, we've all met Eliza: <http://psych.fullerton.edu/mbirnbaum/psych101/Eliza.htm>) We ought to be able to automate psychodynamics so that a patient can talk to their computer and reap the same (or better) results than going to a meat space Freud. And, sure enough, I found this:


☣ uǝlƃ

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