[FRIAM] the end of the pandemic

uǝlƃ ☣ gepropella at gmail.com
Tue May 12 09:56:37 EDT 2020

The contrary argument was made to me by my dad, who called himself a "Goldwater Conservative", was that when you end up as a blood smear all over the highway or all smashed up against a tree, *someone* has to clean that sh¡t up. Factor in, further, rubbernecking, the possibility of children seeing your dismembered body laying in parts on the road as they drive by, trauma to the poor truck driver who you smashed into who'll have to live with having killed you for the rest of her life, etc. You MIGHT save us *all* a lot of money and psychological trauma if you'd simply wear the seat belt. [†]

So, you *are* harming others by not wearing a seat belt.

In the immortal words of teenagers everywhere, it's not about you. >8^D

[†] Add to that the consideration that human life is *infrastructure*. Sure if you're a do-nothing wastoid, your death costs us only the above and may save us money in the long-term. But if you're competent at something, anything, then WE are all better off if you wear your seat belt. To assert that you're *not* harming us by not wearing your seat belt seems extraordinarily self-indulgent.

On 5/11/20 10:05 PM, Steven A Smith wrote:
> To be told I was harming others by not wearing a seatbelt feels patently incorrect.

☣ uǝlƃ

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