[FRIAM] Wisconsin stay-at-home (safer at home) order overturned

Marcus Daniels marcus at snoutfarm.com
Thu May 14 14:17:06 EDT 2020

Eric writes:

“The most deleterious effect of the rampant "gaming of the system" that you allude to is the destruction of our ability to have honest, straightforward conversations about how we would like the system to look. Perfectly reasonable assertions can't be made, because those assertions have become "dog whistles" or coded messages, likely to indicate certain hidden agendas. :-(“

The vast debt that is being taken-on, and how everything turned on a dime to do it is really remarkable to me.   All of the cognitive inertial of “the conversations that can’t be had” and their potential public cost consequences seem to pale in comparison to the financial commitments that are being made now.   For example, the cash flow variations from Affordable Care Act vs. the cost of the individual and corporate bailouts.   This country has become unable to plan or adapt.  All we can do now is panic.   I think we are really in trouble.

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