[FRIAM] election eve

Marcus Daniels marcus at snoutfarm.com
Mon Nov 2 11:42:26 EST 2020

I'm cautiously optimistic that Biden will win early.    Dave could be right, in which case, yeah, who cares what happens.
The most exciting thing that could happen would be that Biden takes Texas.

-----Original Message-----
From: Friam <friam-bounces at redfish.com> On Behalf Of Prof David West
Sent: Monday, November 2, 2020 8:26 AM
To: friam at redfish.com
Subject: [FRIAM] election eve

Frank put his prediction on the list, so I guess it is OK to add mine.

Last time I was 100% certain of my predictions. This time between 60-75 percent certain.

Trump will win by roughly the same electoral college numbers as last time, with minor changes, e.g. swapping Wisconsin for Minnesota. (Everyone is seeing Wisconsin as must win and ignoring what is happening in Minnesota, a state with the same 10 votes as Wisconsin.)

This result will be apparent Nov. 3-5.  Late ballots will be overwhelmingly for Biden and might even threaten the electoral college result. Lawsuits in abundance.

Ultimately Trump will win. Riots in the street. The leftist "Protect The Vote" movement (Trump-ers have one similarly or identically named) already has plans in place for "peaceful" protests — starting Nov. 4 in NY and DC, so they must share my belief to some degree — and are actively working with old fart 60's leftists to define/decide necessary actions when the demonstrations prove insufficient. (I was actually approached by an old colleague from the Weather Underground so ascertain my interest in enlisting.)


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