[FRIAM] GULP, ONLINE:Today's Sermon:: a minor awokening

uǝlƃ ↙↙↙ gepropella at gmail.com
Mon Sep 7 11:10:43 EDT 2020

As one who has regularly made such mistakes over my entire lifetime (all the way back into the early '80s, posting to BBSes and Minitel), one heuristic works the best: Everything you say and do with "digital media" is *public*. There are no private tools. All your emails are public. All the data files on your computer are public. Every keystroke is available. Coherent profiles of you are being built by everyone from Amazon and Facebook to Russian trolls and Steve Bannon. Privacy is an old-timey concept.

And it's unfair to yourself *and* to all the victims out there (of identity theft, stolen credit card numbers, revenge porn, etc.) to use the word "idiot". Anyone, from Bruce Schneier to one's 10 year old grandkid can make a mistake and become a victim, not only of crime, but also of bad actors (e.g. narcissists) using details about you against you in a public way, to "dominate" you, win arguments, or otherwise bully you.

The only way to "win" is to avoid playing.

On 9/5/20 2:44 PM, thompnickson2 at gmail.com wrote:
> Oh, Geez.  And then I did send it to FRIAM.
> This technology should not be trusted to idiots. 
> Please, my friends, do me the honor of forgetting what I said there.  Please?  I have edited it below to protect the innocent.  Please delete the previous version.  As you are my friends.

↙↙↙ uǝlƃ

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