[FRIAM] the tragedy of the voice operated lights

uǝlƃ ↙↙↙ gepropella at gmail.com
Tue Apr 20 09:44:47 EDT 2021

Ha! We recently had the grandkids+daughter-in-law here, adding 5 for a total of 7 people, each of which with at least 1 wifi device in addition to our 3 rokus, 2 phones, weather monitor, PS3, and Renee's laptop. I could *feel* my neoplasms growing. (Yes, that's a joke.) I can only imagine what the network would look like if our coffee machine, fridge, vehicles, furnace, door locks, light bulbs, etc. were all online.

I purposefully bought my desktop and gaming machine without a wifi card. I'm thinking about wiring the house and abandoning wifi wherever possible.

On 4/20/21 5:42 AM, Roger Critchlow wrote:
> https://devrant.com/rants/4186069/dev-my-neighbours-have-so-many-fucking-iot-devices-that-they-basically-fuck-over <https://devrant.com/rants/4186069/dev-my-neighbours-have-so-many-fucking-iot-devices-that-they-basically-fuck-over>
> The first responder wants to help, the second proposes guerilla war on the neighbors' wifi, OP thinks that would be too expensive.

↙↙↙ uǝlƃ

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