[FRIAM] types of knowledge

uǝlƃ ↙↙↙ gepropella at gmail.com
Thu Apr 22 17:16:21 EDT 2021

It took me awhile to figure out why your post caused me a bit of dissonance. But I think the 2 comments below sharpen it. *Too often*, people take themselves and others too seriously. Once someone's *infected* with the idea that ideas are somehow important, they slip-n-slide into taking abstractions too seriously, including dangerous delusions like "the self", "free will", or "truth".

IDK. I'll always look up to people who do "low level" work more than I will to those who do "high level" work. "High level" work is, literally, unhinged. It can't be taken seriously. And if a few of the "low level" workers are toxic or stubbornly hateful, well, I'll place them right there beside the geniuses who kill themselves or die hating the world because nobody takes them seriously. Good riddance.

On 4/22/21 12:23 PM, jon zingale wrote:
> The *muck* isn't simply mud or shit, but an ecosystem of hepatitis and
> parasites. Also, there is culture. While working as a laborer to a plumber
> wasn't the worst job I have ever had, the general milieu encouraged violent
> humor and poor diet, discouraged thinking, and a bordering-on-philosophical
> acceptance that we live, breathe, and eat shit. It doesn't take long to
> start to feel the hate creep in, folded into the soul as a consequence of
> being in the world.
> [...] Too often, doing "low level" *essential work* bars an individual
> from being taken seriously.

↙↙↙ uǝlƃ

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