[FRIAM] types of knowledge

uǝlƃ ↙↙↙ gepropella at gmail.com
Fri Apr 23 11:05:37 EDT 2021

So, I don't know if I'll get a chance to log into the zoom today. But, I've written and deleted 2 responses to this (seemingly trolling [⛧]) post. But in listening to this during my shower:

Nonreligious Americans Are A Growing Political Force

I've heard you object to both theism and atheism in a way that seems similar to how they're describing the "nones". Despite atheists consistently asserting they simply live "without a conception of god", they really are *mostly* people who have conceived of (many types of) god(s) and rejected them. So, they do think, or have thought, a lot about it. But the nones are, maybe, more the people who simply don't think about it very much, or at all. (And if the prof in the podcast is right about them being less educated and more concerned with making money to survive, etc, then maybe this group doesn't *think* about many "high level" things at all.)

To me, any kind of metaphysical belief (or "non-evident" belief) is akin to ideas. God is an idea, one of the most dangerous/debilitating of ideas, actually. But, going back to Kehinde, the Kantian program (or the Enlightenment, even) is just as debilitating (as I alluded to in trashing the categorical imperative last week).

And to be clear, just in case your reply was NOT a troll, the ideas, like any powerful tool, are only dangerous to the extent by which they *convince* someone ... the extent to which the idea *traps* or imprisons you. If you find yourself *always* and everywhere referencing a single idea, or using a single tool, say, screwing in light bulbs with your hammer, then you are debilitated ... addicted to that idea.

Those of us (not me) who can don and doff ideas easily may not be aware of how debilitating such addictions can be ... like a non-smoker saying "Just quit smoking!" And may not see the danger inherent to ideas.

[⛧] Only because it doesn't seem like you've taken any time to understand what "idea" means in the context where I used it.

On 4/22/21 3:27 PM, jon zingale wrote:
> """
> including dangerous delusions like "the self", "free will", or "truth".
> """
> Dangerous to whom? I rather like ideas, nature seems full of them.

↙↙↙ uǝlƃ

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