[FRIAM] semi-idle question

uǝlƃ ↙↙↙ gepropella at gmail.com
Wed Apr 28 13:14:00 EDT 2021

Well, I've always admired the Monty Python troupe's ability to *sustain* absurdity. It's relatively easy to be absurd for something as small as a minute long joke. But to do a 5 minute or more skit is impressive.

If Wolfram adopts his ridiculous tone merely to antagonize people, that would be even more evidence of his genius ... and his ability to lie with a straight face ... and his ability to lie to himself. Play a role long enough and the abyss stares into you.

On that note, this series was very interesting/disturbing:

Generation Hustle

I couldn't help but find myself empathizing with the scammers and some of their seeming lack of remorse or even lack of understanding that they did anything wrong. Never mind whether what they did (are doing) is actually "wrong" somehow. It's like that scene from "Wall Street" when Douglas/Gekko gives his famous speech arguing greed is good. Never mind whether it's true. The question is whether the role player is playing a role or expressing themselves ... or both.

On 4/28/21 9:59 AM, Marcus Daniels wrote:
> In defense of Wolfram, it is possible he writes in the passive voice just to antagonize people like the author of that article.   He's not a part of the academic world, and doesn't have to use their currency.

↙↙↙ uǝlƃ

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