[FRIAM] semi-idle question

uǝlƃ ↙↙↙ gepropella at gmail.com
Wed Apr 28 15:14:03 EDT 2021

Oh, I definitely believe in qualifications and accreditation. My entire professional career depends fundamentally on meeting standards and putting some degree of faith in "validated" things. So when I tell you I'm a moron, you'd best believe it ... even if it hasn't yet "played out" for you, yet. Tomorrow, when I call you a moron, you might, then, understand what I mean.

A good example came last night when the bartender at the pub reacted emphatically to Renee's [⛧] attempt to persuade him to get vaccinated. I'm no biologist. But I (think I) managed to find a joint in his rhetorical armor *by* demonstrating that I'm no biologist. His reticence was appropriately *stanced* as a typical liberal anti-vax, anti-GMO, blahblah. I walked through many of my skeptical questions about the long-term impact (and our ignorance) of the mRNA vaccines, compared to the more traditional J&J vaccine. I used, characteristically, my lymphoma and the (thick wad of paper for) the class action lawsuit that was mailed to me, unsolicited, regarding RoundUp. But rather than do a typical tu quoque twist at the end, I simply said "We all take a position. Then we stick to that position stubbornly." He went quiet after that and you could "smell the wood burning".

By preemptively doffing the biologist/medical-research hat he *might* have placed on my head because I was using that jargon that he couldn't effectively navigate, I *joined* his in-group and wiggled my way back out of it right there in the span of the conversation. He doesn't know whether I'm for or against the mRNA vaccines or whether I've been vaccinated or any of that. I didn't have to take a stance at all, except on the issue of taking stances.

So, no, I won't stop cap-doffing. And, yes, qualification is a thing.

[⛧] Reneé spells her name like that, with the little diacritic. It's a pain to do, so I simply use the apostrophe ('). So, when I'm using the possessive, I'm torn between "Renee's" or "Renee''s" or taking the time to hit my meta key and do the proper "Reneé's". [sigh] Modern problems.

On 4/28/21 11:41 AM, thompnickson2 at gmail.com wrote:
> Ok, glen.  First, stop with the cap-doffing!  It invokes a standard of “qualification” that I’m pretty sure you don’t believe itn.  Anyway, if */you/* aren't qualified to have this conversation than nobody is, and I am not prepared to accept that obvious truth.  The ONLY  question here is whether we can all get somewhere new by sharing what we do know ... or think we know.  Grrrr!

↙↙↙ uǝlƃ

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