[FRIAM] Natures_Queer_Performativity_the_authori.pdf

jon zingale jonzingale at gmail.com
Thu Apr 29 18:03:07 EDT 2021


To some extent, your response is indicative of the psychoanalytic
ends I criticize, the mommy-daddy-me Oedipal construction. Rather than
pick up on the opportunity presented by the conversation to engage in an
act of creativity (contributing to a forum), you use your agency to make
an authoritative (daddy) appeal to an object away from yourself and your
agency (the Wikipedia article). This action strikes me as functionally
different than Glen's earlier reference, say. While Glen's appeal acts to
ground and facilitate a living discussion, yours aims to end one. I felt
that the question I asked was fair, to hum a few bars regarding a
connection you are making that perhaps could contribute. If this sort of
short-circuiting of concepts and conversation is what I can expect from
practitioners of psychoanalytic theory, well, maybe it's not for me.

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