[FRIAM] Natures_Queer_Performativity_the_authori.pdf

uǝlƃ ↙↙↙ gepropella at gmail.com
Fri Apr 30 15:08:24 EDT 2021

Well, sure. But it's a good idea to limit the extent to which you embed semantics into your syntax. Rationalist, used at the beginning of the sentence, when the convention is to capitalize the words at the beginning of the sentence, looks no different from Rationalist, used later in the sentence.

But, rest assured, if you acted like, e.g. the Less Wrong crowd, I'd lump you in with them. But you don't. I'm guessing you haven't even heard of Eliezer Yudkowsky, much less read their canon.

On 4/30/21 10:39 AM, thompnickson2 at gmail.com wrote:
> Arent you talking about a Rationalist as opposed to a rationalist/  Or does the club have to be incorporated.  So I am not a Rationalist unless Rationalist is a trade mark. 

↙↙↙ uǝlƃ

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