[FRIAM] Curators Assess Damage to Capitol Artworks in Wake of Pro-Trump Mob

jon zingale jonzingale at gmail.com
Mon Jan 11 12:36:12 EST 2021

It's true. Often I blame industry for thinking that music (and movies, 
etc...) was something to be owned rather than the product of culture and
therefore part of our cultural legacy and endowment. I cannot help but feel
that this, as well as the boring and homogenous nature of the media cycle,
was what net-neutrality activists were on about. sigh...

Many of my closest friends are gamers and every now and then they pull me in
on a discord chat. We play "Among Us" or I watch them play "WoW". When I
asked one friend about movies he simply said that he would rather do
something where he had the agency to affect the outcome. I was reminded that
before I knew how to play an instrument or taught myself to draw, that the
best I could do was to dream that I was someone who could play like Eric
Clapton or whomever. This passive satisfaction and desire to be (or be like)
another person is maybe better left dead.

OTOH, speaking to a cultural endowment, my childhood was spent in two cities
with amazing art museums, orchestras, and that *subtle disruptor* that is
architecture. I cannot emphasize enough the impact that seeing master works
has had on me, the importance of witnessing what has been done before and
what humans can accomplish. May videogames reach such heights.

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