[FRIAM] Question us news always going on about the unemployment. Does anyone bother asking about employment rates?

Gillian Densmore gil.densmore at gmail.com
Mon Mar 1 12:51:47 EST 2021

I am so frustrated that most news sources. Only talk about Unemployment. No
one ever  shows other stats though. How often are people underemployed that
is have a job but it doesn't give them enough money to actually help with
anything. And where's the discussion about how likely people are to get
work in the first place?
When I googled this the answers were reely dismal and scaring Statistica
sugged only 60% had actual work and  that of that it was 6 of 100
applicants meaning hundreds of people per a job offer..for min wage jobs
and god only knows how many more underemployed people.
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