[FRIAM] I am accepting wagers

jon zingale jonzingale at gmail.com
Mon Mar 15 01:41:43 EDT 2021

Ha, *bringing some more reality* is what I listen for to know when I have
some naysayers on the ropes. Much of the last decade of my career has been
working to reconcile data whose interfaces radically vary. Claiming it to be
an 11 billion dollar problem is a rhetorical move that smells of
*abstraction* rather than *reality* to me. Barry states the problem clearly,
but it isn't IMO an insurmountable problem, just an intentional one with
lots of particularities. At least one small start-up that I wrote for
managed a similar problem surprisingly well (up to Google's data standards,
for instance), and sold for orders of magnitudes less than the number above.
Stating the problem is great, working the problem is best, but the rest is
simply whining.

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