[FRIAM] Friday Fodder

uǝlƃ ↙↙↙ gepropella at gmail.com
Wed Mar 24 13:29:08 EDT 2021

LoL! Can you imagine how insecure you'd have to be to insist the producers CGI larger genitalia for you? As Womanizer-in-Chief, I'd buy that he did. But hell, maybe the Governator would have been fine with anatomical correctness but the director insisted that modern masculinity demands porn star proportions? ... or maybe the rhetoric is "Nobody will be scared by a robot with small genitals?" I mean, the idea that the metal had to be surrounded by flesh for the time machine to work killed my ability to suspend disbelief, already. But to insist the fleshy vesicle needed genitalia too? Seriously?  At least Battlestar Galactica and Blade Runner had believable reasons for the robots' physiological fidelity.

On 3/24/21 10:18 AM, Prof David West wrote:
> I know the scene whereof you speak. CGI.

↙↙↙ uǝlƃ

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