[FRIAM] Future Generating Machines...

uǝlƃ ↙↙↙ gepropella at gmail.com
Mon Mar 29 13:38:17 EDT 2021

Well, again, if you claim the NIH "didn't work", then the burden's on you to say what "work" means. It would be reasonable to claim that the NIH's purpose is to save US lives. (I don't think that's true. But it would be reasonable to say such a thing.) And since so many died from COVID-19, the NIH failed. I think the bureaucracy to saddle with that purpose is the CDC, not the NIH.

And it's important to recognize the Executive branch's role in the bureaucracy. Was the Obama CDC the same as the Trump CDC? If not, which bureaucracy failed? And why? If so, have we delineated its purpose well enough to say it failed?

This anti-government rhetoric is literally everywhere and so confused as to be nonsense. 

On 3/29/21 10:23 AM, Marcus Daniels wrote:
> For example, in spite of the billions spent on the NIH we had the fantastic public health failure of COVID-19.  

↙↙↙ uǝlƃ

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