[FRIAM] Habermas rejects UAE’s Zayed Book Award

uǝlƃ ↙↙↙ gepropella at gmail.com
Thu May 27 14:29:21 EDT 2021

Heh, I explicitly hunted for a source *other* than the WaPo because it's owned by Bezos and I'd rather not advertise his for-profit businesses. So, the AP seemed like a good alternative. Then later I find this disturbing article:

Emily Wilder’s Firing Is No Surprise: AP Has Always Been Right-Wing

My first reaction is "Bah! The lefties at the Intercept are just as guilty of hyperbolic click-bait headlines as the righty channels." But then I read it.  Hm. I liked "The Jungle". I had no idea he wrote a book about the bias of the AP. Sheesh. My ignorance knows no bounds. Take whatever ideological stance you prefer on the right's *canceling* of Emily Wilder, these little nuggets of (probably biased) history are useful whatever stance you take.

On 5/25/21 3:18 AM, ⛧ glen wrote:
> I can't believe I missed this news.
> https://apnews.com/article/europe-middle-east-entertainment-government-and-politics-arts-and-entertainment-1fe05291c8fd37bb106d6ee8423182cf

↙↙↙ uǝlƃ

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