[FRIAM] Schwill Rock?

Marcus Daniels marcus at snoutfarm.com
Mon Oct 11 23:00:32 EDT 2021

The minimum energy required to do something is the way that can be expected from nature.  Google and Slack make that all the more obvious.   I suspect the canals have always been there, but it was less obvious how they were constraining us.   I tend to think any question has been considered in more detail and care than I will ever be able to exert.   So it makes sense to keep searching.  On the other hand it often seems like I slowly plod through a paper only to learn the idea is basically simple and I could have easily invented it.  So why did I waste the time reading and getting a headache?

On Oct 11, 2021, at 7:05 PM, Jon Zingale <jonzingale at gmail.com> wrote:

Oh, and I forgot probably the funniest example. For those of you still employed, how amazing is it when you mention something in a stand-up meeting that you are attempting to do and your coworkers:

1) Each does a google search
2) Posts in a slack channel the same 5 results you got when looking for the same.

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