[FRIAM] the cancellation arc

uǝlƃ ☤>$ gepropella at gmail.com
Wed Sep 15 05:14:18 EDT 2021

Well, things are turning around a bit, I think:

‘What Cannot Be Tolerated’

But this:

Did Justice Barrett Say She Was "Concerned About Public Perception of [the] Supreme Court"?

Feels regressive to me. Blackman strikes me as the worst of the VC bloggers. His argument is: "If anyone ever asks a Justice if they are concerned with public perception of the Supreme Court, the answer is simple: 'No. I focus on my job. People can perceive the Court however they choose.' The existence of life tenure presupposes the Court will be criticized. And life tenure is designed to insulate jurists from those criticisms." And that argument seems so naive as to be worthy of ridicule. The justices are not autistic robots, focusing on their work with self-imposed blinders. Scalia was just as aware of the political nature of the court as Kagan or Roberts. The trick is noticing, in them as well as ourselves, Sartre's Bad Faith waiter.

On 9/14/21 6:22 PM, thompnickson2 at gmail.com wrote:
> Surely regulating mob formation is one of the thing that even Libertarian states legitimately do.  I share your distaste for victim/trauma narratives, but I still believe there is a place for institututions and practices designed to head off mob behavior.  

"Better to be slapped with the truth than kissed with a lie."
☤>$ uǝlƃ

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